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ESP 2019-2021 Contract Agreement

On June 9th the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education voted unanimously to ratify the 2019-2021 ESP Contract as approved by vote from the ESP Chapter. Retro pay checks will be issued on July 3rd.

Linked here are five documents to help you learn about what changes were agreed to by our union and the district.

1. Salary Schedule to find what the wage rates are for the 19-21 contract

2. An Intro, Retro Pay summary, and other bargaining related information

3. Wage charts to see the financial impact on classifications

4. Detailed summary of proposals that made it into the Tentative Agreement and those that did not

5. A draft of the proposed language changes with strikethrough language and how the changes will appear in the contract if ratified. This document has been sent to the District for confirmation.

1. Salary Schedule

2. Introduction, Retro pay info, bargaining timeline

3. Wage Charts

4. Summary of Proposals

5. Contract language with strike-through

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